Os artigos propostos aqui são somente versões provisórias, não precisando coincidir com as versões publicadas.
[A1] P.-A. B., Etude mathématique d’un modèle de frottement sec : le modèle de P.R. Dahl (Mathematical study of P.R. Dahl’s dry friction model), Thèse de Doctorat en Science, Mathématiques et Automatique, Université Paris IX-Dauphine, March 5th, 1990
[A2] P.-A. B., Mémoire, hystérésis, retards, incertitudes. Quelques résultats de modélisation, d’analyse et de commande (Memory, hysteresis, delays, uncertainties. Some modelling, analysis and control results), Thèse d’habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Sud, November 21st, 2005
[B1] P.-A. B., Mathematical study of the Dahl’s friction model, European J. Mech. A Solids 11 no 6 (1992) 835–848
[B2] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, M. Sorine, A.A. Vladimirov, Nonlinear resonance in systems with hysteresis, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 27 no 5 (1996) 561–577
[B3] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, M. Sorine, A.A. Vladimirov, Forced oscillations in control systems with hysteresis, Doklady Mathematics 53 no 2 (1996) 312-315
[B4] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, Popov criterion and forced periodic oscillations, Automation and Remote Control 59 no 4 (1998) 457-466
[B5] M. Akian, P.-A. B., On super-high-frequencies in discontinuous 1sr-order delay-differential equations, Journal of Differential Equations 162 (2000) 326–358 []
[B6] P.-A. B., Extension of Popov absolute stability criterion to nonautonomous systems with delays, International Journal of Control 73 no 15, 1349–1361 (2000) []
[B7] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, D.I. Rachinskii, Sector estimates of nonlinearities and self-oscillation existence in control systems, Automation and Remote Control 61 no 6 (2000) 889-903
[B8] P.-A. B., Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and frequency domain: delay-independent absolute stability criteria for delay systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 11 no 8 (2001) 771–788
[B9] P.-A. B., LMI characterization of the strong delay-independent stability of delay systems via quadratic Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, Systems and Control Letters 43 no 4 (2001) 263–274
[B10] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, D.I. Rachinskii, Strong resonances under Hopf bifurcations in control systems, Automation and Remote Control 62 no 11 (2001) 1783–1802
[B11] P.-A. B., Stability of nonlinear delay systems: delay-independent small gain theorem and frequency domain interpretation of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii method, International Journal of Control 75 no 4 (2002) 265–274
[B12] M. Akian, P.-A. B., M. Sorine, Control of delay systems with relay, IMA Journal on Mathematical Control and Information 19 (2002) 133–155 []
[B13] P.-A. B., Lyapunov equation for the stability of 2-D systems, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 13 no 2 (2002) 201–222
[B14] P.-A. B., Lyapunov equation for the stability of linear delay systems of retarded and neutral type, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 47 no 2 (2002) 327–335 []
[B15] P.-A. B., Absolute stability criteria with prescribed decay rate for finite-dimensional and delay systems, Automatica 38 no 11 (2002) 2015–2019 []
[B16] P.-A. B., A.B. Piunovskiy, M. Sorine, Controlled linear system with delayed relay output under impulse random disturbances, Automatica 39 no 8 (2003) 1399–1405
[B17] P.-A. B., A convex approach to robust stability for linear systems with uncertain scalar parameters, SIAM J. on Control and Optimization 42 no 6 (2004) 2016–2042 []
[B18] P.-A. B., An existence result for polynomial solutions of parameter-dependent LMIs, Systems and Control Letters 51 no 3-4 (2004) 165–169 []
[B19] F. Mazenc, P.-A. B., Backstepping Design for Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 51 no 1 (2006) 149–154 []
[B20] P. Tsiotras, P.-A. B., An exact stability analysis test for single-parameter polynomially-dependent linear systems, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 51 no 7 (2006) 1161–1164 []
[B21] D. Angeli, P.-A. B., Stability of leaderless discrete-time multi-agent systems, Mathematics of Control, Signals & Systems 18 no 4 (2006) 293–322 []
[B22] P.-A. B., G. Ferrari-Trecate, Average consensus problems in networks of agents with delayed communications, Automatica (aceitado)
[B23] P.-A. B., T. Iwasaki, Application of semi-definite programming to robust stability of delay systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation (aceitado)
[B24] D. Angeli, P.-A. B., Convergence speed of unsteady distributed consensus: decay estimate along the settling spanning-trees (submetido; uma versão preliminar pode ser baixada aqui)
[B25] D. Angeli, P.-A. B., Tight estimates for convergence of some non-stationary consensus algorithms (submetido; uma versão preliminar pode ser baixada aqui)
[C1] P.-A. B., M. Sorine, Friction modeling by hysteresis operators. Application to Dahl, sticktion and Stribeck effects, in Models of hysteresis (Trento, 1991), 10–19, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Vol. 286, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow (1993)
[C2] P.-A. B., Extension of Popov criterion to time-varying nonlinearities: LMI, frequential and graphical conditions, in Stability and stabilization of nonlinear systems, D. Aeyels, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A. van der Schaft (Eds.), Lecture notes in control and information sciences Vol. 246, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (1999) 95–114
[C3] P.-A. B., Robust absolute stability of delay systems, in Nonlinear control in the year 2000, Vol. 1, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A. Isidori, W. Respondek (Eds.), Springer-Verlag (2000) 207–238
[C4] P.-A. B., Root-clustering for multivariate polynomials and robust stability analysis, in Unsolved problems in mathematical systems and control theory, V.D. Blondel, A. Megretski (Eds.), Princeton University Press, Princeton Oxford (2004) 299–303
[C5] P.-A. B., From Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functionals for Delay-Independent Stability to LMI Conditions for μ-Analysis, in Advances in Time-Delay Systems, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering Vol. 38, Springer, S.-I. Niculescu, K. Gu (Eds.) (2004) 75–88 []
[C6] P.-A. B., Stabilization of LPV Systems, in Positive Polynomials in Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Vol. 312, Springer, D. Henrion, A. Garulli (Eds.) (2005) 103–116 []
[D1] P.-A. B., L. El Ghaoui, Factorization and smallest-norm roots of multivariable polynomials in robustness analysis, Proc. of 30th IEEE CDC, Brighton (United Kingdom), December 1991
[D2] P.-A. B., M. Sorine, A system theoretic approach of systems with hysteresis. Application to friction modelling and compensation, Proc. of 2nd European Control Conference, Gröningen (Netherlands), 28 June-1 July 1993, 1844–1849
[D3] P.-A. B., M. Sorine, Modelling and control of a class of systems with hysteresis. Application to friction compensation, Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Symposium in New Directions in Control Theory and Applications, Chania (Greece), 21-23 June 1993
[D4] P.-A. B., M. Sorine, Easy-to-use realistic dry friction models for automatic control, Proc. of 3rd European Control Conference, Roma (Italy), 5-8 Sept. 1995, 3788–3794 []
[D5] P.-A. B., T. Bonald, M. Sorine, Hysteresis Operators and Tyre Friction Models. Application to Vehicle Dynamic Simulation, Proc. of ICIAM 95, Hamburg (Germany), 3-7 July 1995 []
[D6] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, Periodic solutions of linear systems coupled with relay, in: Proceedings of the Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Part 2 (Athens, Greece, 1996), Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 30 (1997), no. 2, 687–696 []
[D7] P.-A. B., M. Sorine, Dry friction models for automatic control, Proc. of Euromech Colloquium 351: Systems with Coulomb friction, Vadstena (Sweden), 5-7 August 1996 []
[D8] P.-A. B., A. Dauron, M. Sorine, Modèles de frottements secs pour les applications embarquées. Application au contact pneu/sol Actes des Journées Européennes de Frottement JEF95, Villeneuve d’Ascq (France), 12-13 Décembre 1995
[D9] D. von Wissel, R. Nikoukhah, F. Delebecque, P.-A. B., M. Sorine, Output trajectory tracking for mechanical systems with dry friction: a DPC approach, Proc. of 4th European Control Conference, Brussels (Belgium), 1-4 July 1997
[D10] K. Aouchiche, P.-A. B., M. Sorine, P.I. control of periodic oscillations of relay systems, Proc. of 1st Conf. on Control of Oscillations and Chaos, St-Petersburg (Russia), 27-29 August 1997
[D11] M. Akian, P.-A. B., M. Sorine, P.I. control of nonlinear oscillations for a system with delay, Proc. of 8th IFAC Conf. on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications, Patras (Greece), 15-17 July 1998 [invited]
[D12] M. Akian, P.-A. B., On super-high-frequencies in discontinuous 1sr-order delay-differential equations, Proc. of 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems, Alghero (Italy), 9-11 June 1998 [invited]
[D13] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, Popov-like frequency criterion for existence of forced periodic oscillations, Proc. of 37th IEEE CDC, Tampa (Florida), December 1998 []
[D14] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, Popov absolute stability criterion for time-varying multivariable nonlinear systems, Proc. 5th European Control Conference, Karlsruhe (Germany), September 1999
[D15] P.-A. B., Delay-independent criterion of absolute stability for nonautonomous systems with variable delays, Modern applied mathematics in circuits, systems and control. Proc. of IMACS/IEEE CSCC’99, Athens (Greece), World Scientific Engineering Society, 300–305 (1999)
[D16] P.-A. B., Absolute stability of nonautonomous delay systems: delay-dependent and delay-independent criteria, Proc. of 38th IEEE CDC, Phoenix (Arizona), December 1999
[D17] P.-A. B., Absolute -stability for rational and delay systems, Proc. of 14th Int. Symp. of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2000, Perpignan (France), June 2000
[D18] P.-A. B., Stability of linear delay systems. A note on frequency domain interpretation of Lyapunov-Krasovskii method, Proc. of 14th Int. Symp. of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2000, Perpignan (France), June 2000
[D19] P.-A. B., Lyapunov-Krasovskii method and strong delay-independent stability of linear delay systems, Proc. of 2nd IFAC Workshop on Linear Time Delay Systems, Ancona (Italy), September 2000, 5–9
[D20] P.-A. B., Stability criteria for delay systems with sector-bounded nonlinearities, Proc. of American Control Conference, Arlington (Virginia), June 2001
[D21] P.-A. B., S.-I. Niculescu, A note on frequency domain interpretation of Lyapunov-Krasovskii method in control of linear delay systems, Proc. of American Control Conference, Arlington (Virginia), June 2001
[D22] P.-A. B., Bounded-real lemma for 2-D systems. Application to the analysis of delay-independent H1 performance of delay systems, Proc. 5th IFAC Symposium “Nonlinear Control Systems” NOLCOS, St.Petersburg (Russia), July 2001
[D23] P.-A. B., A Lyapunov equation equivalent to internal stability of 2-D systems, Proc. of 1st IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control, Prague (Czech Republic), August 2001
[D24] P.-A. B., Solvability of a Lyapunov equation for characterization of asymptotic stability of linear delay systems, Proc. of 6th European Control Conf., Porto (Portugal), September 2001
[D25] P.-A. B., Delay-independent small gain theorem and frequency domain interpretation of the Lyapunov- Krasovskii method for stability of nonlinear delay systems, Proc. of 6th European Control Conf., Porto (Portugal), September 2001
[D26] P.-A. B., Nonconservative LMI criteria for delay-independent stability of delay systems, based on quadratic Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, Proc. of 40th IEEE CDC, Orlando (Florida), December 2001
[D27] P.-A. B., LMI approach to spectral stabilizability of linear delay systems, and stabilizability of linear systems with complex parameter Proc. of 40th IEEE CDC, Orlando (Florida), December 2001
[D28] P.-A. B., Delay-independent circle criterion and Popov criterion, Proc. of 3rd IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Santa Fe (New Mexico), December 2001
[D29] P.-A. B., A.B. Piunovskiy, M. Sorine, Optimal control of stochastic linear system with delayed relay output, Proc. of 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona (Spain), July 2002
[D30] P.-A. B., Root location of multivariable polynomials and stability analysis, Open problem book, in Proc. of 15th Int. Symp. of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2002, University of Notre-Dame (Indiana), August 2002.
[D31] P.-A. B., Nonconservative LMI approach to robust stability for systems with uncertain scalar parameters, Proc. of 41st IEEE CDC, Las Vegas (Nevada), December 2002
[D32] P.-A. B., LMIs for delay-independent properties of delay systems and input-output analysis of systems with complex parameter, Proc. of 41st IEEE CDC, Las Vegas (Nevada), December 2002
[D33] P.-A. B., G. Ferrari-Trecate, Stability analysis of discrete-time switched systems through Lyapunov functions with nonminimal state, Proc. of IFAC Conf. on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems ADHS03, St-Malo (France), June 2003 []
[D34] P.-A. B., Stabilization of LPV systems, Proc. of 42nd IEEE CDC, Maui (Hawai), December 2003 []
[D35] P.-A. B., F. Mazenc, Backstepping design for time-delay nonlinear systems, Proc. of 42nd IEEE CDC, Maui (Hawai), December 2003 []
[D36] P.-A. B., C. Prieur, On existence of smooth solutions of parameter-dependent convex programming problems, Proc. of 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2004), Leuven (Belgium), July 2004 []
[D37] P.-A. B., On robust semidefinite programming, Proc. of 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2004), Leuven (Belgium), July 2004 []
[D38] P. Tsiotras, P.-A. B., An exact stability test for one-parameter polynomially-dependent linear systems, Proc. of 43rd IEEE CDC (Bahamas), December 2004 []
[D39] X. Zhang, P. Tsiotras, P.-A. B., Multi-Parameter Dependent Lyapunov Functions for the Stability Analysis of Parameter-Dependent LTI Systems, Proc. of 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Limassol (Cyprus), June 2005 []
[D40] D. Angeli, P.-A. B., Extension of a result by Moreau on stability of leaderless multi-agent systems, Proc. of 44th IEEE CDC, Sevilla (Spain), December 2005 []
[D41] P.-A. B., G. Ferrari-Trecate Average consensus problems in networks of agents with delayed communications, Proc. of 44th IEEE CDC, Sevilla (Spain), December 2005 []
[D42] P.-A. B., T. Iwasaki, LMI characterisation of robust stability for time-delay systems: singular perturbation approach, Proc. of 45th IEEE CDC, San Diego (California), December 2006 []
[D43] P.-A. B., R.C.L.F. Oliveira, V.F. Montagner, P.L.D. Peres, Existence of homogeneous polynomial solutions for parameter-dependent Linear Matrix Inequalities with parameters in the simplex, Proc. of 45th IEEE CDC, San Diego (California), December 2006 []
[D44] R.C.L.F. Oliveira, V.F. Montagner, P.L.D. Peres, P.-A. B., LMI relaxations for H-infinity control of time-varying polytopic systems by means of parameter-dependent quadratically stabilizing gains, Proc. of 3rd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control (SSSC07), Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), October 2007
[D45] M.M. Peet, P.-A. B., An Extension of the Weierstrass Theorem to Linear Varieties: Application to Delay Systems, Proc. of 7th IFAC Workshop on Time--Delay Systems (TDS07), Nantes (France), September 2007
[E1] P.-A. B., R.C.L.F. Oliveira, V.F. Montagner, P.L.D. Peres, Existência de soluções polinomiais homogêneas para desigualdades matriciais lineares com parámetros no simplex, Proc. XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, Salvador (Bahia), October 2006
[F1] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, M. Sorine, A.A. Vladimirov, Nonlinear resonance in systems with hysteresis, INRIA Research report 2689, 1995
[F2] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, M. Sorine, Dither in systems with hysteresis, INRIA Research report 2690, 1995
[F3] M. Akian, P.-A. B., M. Sorine, P.I. control of nonlinear oscillations for a system with delay, INRIA Research report 3422, 1998
[F4] M. Akian, P.-A. B., On super-high-frequencies in discontinuous 1st-order delay-differential equations, INRIA Research report 3443, 1998
[F5] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, An extension of Popov criterion to multivariable time-varying nonlinear systems. Application to criterion for existence of stable limit cycles, INRIA Research report 3512, 1998
[F6] P.-A. B., Extension of Popov absolute stability criterion to nonautonomous systems with delays, INRIA Research report 3625, 1999
[F7] P.-A. B., A.M. Krasnosel’skii, D.I. Rachinskii, Sector Estimates of Nonlinearities and Existence of Cycles in Control Systems, Institute for Nonlinear Sciences, National University of Ireland, University College, Cork, report 00-002(March 2000)
[F8] P.-A. B., LMI characterization of the strong delay-independent stability of delay systems via quadratic Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, Report research no 3968, INRIA (July 2000)
[F9] P.-A. B., Stability of nonlinear delay systems: delay-independent small gain theorem and frequency domain interpretation of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii method, Report research no 3969, INRIA (July 2000)
[F10] P.-A. B., Lyapunov equation for the stability of 2-D systems, Report research no 4014, INRIA (September 2000)
[F11] P.-A. B., Lyapunov equation for the stability of linear delay systems of retarded and neutral type, Report research no 4127, INRIA (March 2001)
[F12] P.-A. B., Nonconservative LMI criteria for characterization of delay-independent properties of delay systems. Application to stability and input-output analysis of systems with complex parameter, Report research no 4278, INRIA (October 2001)
[F13] P.-A. B., A convex approach to robust stability for linear systems with uncertain scalar parameters, Report research no 4316, INRIA (November 2001)
[F14] P.-A. B., A.B. Piunovskiy, M. Sorine, A controlled linear system with relay output under impulse random disturbances, Transactions of the French-Russian A.M. Liapunov Institute for Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 2, Moscow, Russia (2001), 113–126.
[F15] P.-A. B., An existence result for polynomial solutions of parameter-dependent LMIs, Report research no 4798, INRIA (April 2003)
[F16] P.-A. B., On Positiveness of Matrix-Valued Polynomials and Robust Semidefinite Programming, Report research no 4906, INRIA (August 2003)
[F17] P.-A. B., Existence of polynomial solutions to robust convex programming problems, Report research no 4910, INRIA (August 2003)
[F18] D. Angeli, P.-A. B., Stability of leaderless multi-agent systems. Extension of a result by Moreau, (November 2004)
[F19] P.-A. B., G. Ferrari-Trecate, Average consensus problems in networks of agents with delayed communications, (March 2005)
[F20] D. Angeli, P.-A. B., Convergence speed of unsteady distributed consensus: decay estimate along the settling spanning-trees, (October 2006)
[F21] D. Angeli, P.-A. B., Tight estimates for convergence of some non-stationary consensus algorithms, (June 2007)