1. Articles:
    1. Quadrat, A. (2024). "A noncommutative geometric approach to infinite-dimensional systems theory", Inria Report, in preparation.
    2. Quadrat, A. (2024). "On a general robust stability test based on the homological perturbation lemma", Inria Report 9533 , submitted for publication ( RR-9553.pdf ).

    3. Quadrat, A., Rouillier, F., Younes, G. (2024). "L-norm computation for linear time-invariant systems depending on parameters", Maple Transactions, vol 4, n.1, 18 pages, 2024 ( paper.pdf ).

    4. Bouzidi, Y., Quadrat, A., Rouillier, F., Younes, G. (2021). "Computation of the L-norm of finite-dimensional linear systems", Maple in Mathematics Education and Research, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1414, Springer, 119-136 ( paper.pdf ).

    5. Bouzidi, Y., Cluzeau, T., Quadrat, A., Rouillier, F. (2020). "On the effective computation of stabilizing controllers of 2D systems", Maple in Mathematics Education and Research, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1125, Springer, 2020, 30-49 ( paper.pdf ).

    6. Bouzidi, Y., Quadrat, A., Rouillier, F. (2019). "Certified non-conservative tests for the structural stability of multidimensional systems", Inria Report 9085 , Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing ( RR-9085.pdf ), vol. 30, 1205-1235.
    7. Bouzidi, Y., Poteaux, A., Quadrat, A. (2019). "A symbolic computation approach to the asymptotic stability analysis of differential systems with commensurate delays", Inria Report 9044 , in Delays and Interconnections: Methodology, Algorithms and Applications, Advances in Delays and Dynamics 10, 169-185, Springer. ( RR-9044.pdf ).
    8. Laakkonen, P., Quadrat, A. (2017). "A fractional representation approach to the robust regulation problem for SISO systems", arXiv:1703.01803 , Systems and Control Letters, vol. 103, 32-37 ( paper.pdf ).
    9. Quadrat, A., Quadrat, A. (2014). "Delay effects in visual tracking problems for an optronic sighting system", in Low-Complexity Controllers for Time-Delay Systems, Advances in Delays and Dynamics 2, A. Seuret et al. (eds.), Springer, 77-92 ( paper.pdf ).
    10. Quadrat, A. (2006). "On a generalization of the Youla-Kučera parametrization. Part II: The lattice approach to MIMO systems", Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, vol. 18, n. 3, 199-235 ( paper.pdf ).
    11. Quadrat, A. (2006). "A lattice approach to analysis and synthesis problems", Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, vol. 18, n. 2, 147-186 ( paper.pdf ).
    12. Quadrat, A. (2005). "An algebraic interpretation to the operator-theoretic approach to stabilizability. Part I: SISO systems", Acta Applicandæ Mathematicæ, vol. 88, n. 1, 1-45 ( paper.pdf ).
    13. Quadrat, A. (2004). "An introduction to internal stabilization of infinite-dimensional linear systems", Lectures notes of the International School in Automatic Control of Lille: Control of Distributed Parameter Systems: Theory and Applications, organized by M. Fliess and W. Perruquetti, Lille (France), 02-06/09/02, e-STA , vol. 1, n. 1 ( paper.pdf ).

    14. Quadrat, A. (2004). "On a general structure of the stabilizing controllers based on stable range", SIAM J. Control & Optimization, vol. 42, no. 6, 2264-2285 ( paper.pdf ).
    15. Quadrat, A. (2003). "On a generalization of the Youla-Kučera parametrization. Part I: The fractional ideal approach to SISO systems", Systems & Control Letters, vol. 50, no. 2, 135-148 ( paper.pdf ).
    16. Quadrat, A. (2003). "The fractional representation approach to synthesis problems: an algebraic analysis viewpoint. Part I: (weakly) doubly coprime factorizations", SIAM J. Control & Optimization, vol. 42, no. 1, 266-299 ( paper.pdf ).
    17. Quadrat, A. (2003). "The fractional representation approach to synthesis problems: an algebraic analysis viewpoint. Part II: internal stabilization", SIAM J. Control & Optimization, vol. 42, no. 1, 300-320 ( paper.pdf ).

  2. Congress papers:
    1. Quadrat, A., Quadrat, A. (2025). "Projective geometry in robust stabilization problems. Part I: Projective lines, submitted.
    2. Quadrat, A., Quadrat, A. (2025). "Projective geometry in robust stabilization problems. Part II: Möbius transformations, submitted.
    3. Quadrat, A., Rouillier, F., Younes, G. (2025). "Symbolic and numerical tools for L-norm calculation, submitted.
    4. Cluzeau, T., Moroz, G., Quadrat, A. (2024). "Towards the computation of stabilizing controllers of multidimensional systems", Proceedings of MTNS 2024 , Cambridge (UK), 19-23/08/2024.
    5. Bouzidi, Y., Cluzeau, T., Quadrat, A. (2019). "On the computation of stabilizing controllers of multidimensional systems", Proceedings of SSSC & TDS IFAC Workshops , Sinaia (Romania), 09-11/09/2019 ( paper.pdf ).
    6. Barrau, A., Rance, G., Bouzidi, Y., Quadrat, A., Quadrat, A. (2018). "Using symbolic computation to solve algebraic Riccati equations arising in invariant filtering", Proceedings of ECC 2018 , Limassol (Cyprus), 12-15/06/2018 ( paper.pdf ).
    7. Rance, G., Bouzidi, Y., Quadrat, A., Quadrat, A. (2018). "Parametric sub-optimal H controllers for an optro-mechanical system modeled by a time-delay 4th order system", Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Optronics in Defence and Security, OPTRO2018 , Paris (France), 06-08/02/2018 ( paper.pdf ).
    8. Bouzidi, Y., Quadrat, A., Rouillier, F. (2017). "Parametric study of the critical pairs of linear differential systems with commensurate delays", Proceedings of IFAC 2017 Workshop Congress , Toulouse (France), 09-14/07/2017 ( paper.pdf ).
    9. Bouzidi, Y., Cluzeau, T., Moroz, G., Quadrat, A. (2017). "Computing effectively stabilizing controllers for a class of nD systems", Proceedings of IFAC 2017 Workshop Congress , Toulouse (France), 09-14/07/2017 ( paper.pdf ).
    10. Rance, G., Bouzidi, Y., Quadrat, A., Quadrat, A., Rouillier, F. (2017). "Explicit H controllers for 4th order single-input single-output systems with parameters and their applications to the two mass-spring system with damping", Proceedings of IFAC 2017 Workshop Congress , Toulouse (France), 09-14/07/2017 ( paper.pdf ).
    11. Rance, G., Bouzidi, Y., Quadrat, A., Quadrat, A. (2017). "Explicit H controllers for 1st to 3rd order single-input single-output systems with parameters", Proceedings of IFAC 2017 Workshop Congress , Toulouse (France), 09-14/07/2017 ( paper.pdf ).
    12. Rance, G., Bouzidi, Y., Quadrat, A., Quadrat, A. (2016). "A symbolic-numeric method for the parametric H loop-shaping design problem", Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS) , University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (USA), 12-15/07/2016 ( paper.pdf ).
    13. Bouzidi, Y., Poteaux, A., Quadrat, A. (2016). "Computer algebra methods for the stability analysis of differential systems with commensurate time-delays", Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems , Istanbul (Turkey), 22-24/06/2016 ( paper.pdf ).
    14. Bouzidi, Y., Quadrat, A., Rouillier, F. (2015). "Computer algebra methods for testing the structural stability of multidimensional systems", Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (IEEE nDS 2015), Vila Real (Portugal) (07-09/09/15) ( paper.pdf ).
    15. Quadrat, A. (2015). "The homological perturbation lemma and its applications to robust stabilization", Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND), Bratislava (Slovakia) (08-11/07/15) ( paper.pdf ).
    16. Laakkonen, P., Quadrat, A. (2015). "Robust regulation of SISO systems: The fractional ideal approach", Proceedings of the 2015 SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, Paris (France) (08-10/07/15) ( paper.pdf ).
    17. Quadrat, A. (2014). "Noncommutative geometric structures on stabilizable infinite-dimensional linear systems", Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2014, Strasbourg (France) (24-27/06/14) ( paper.pdf ).
    18. Quadrat, A., Quadrat, A. (2012). "Etude de l'effet du retard dans une boucle de poursuite d'un viseur gyrostabilisé", Proceedings of CIFA2012, Grenoble (04-06/07/12) ( paper.pdf ).
    19. Quadrat, A. (2012). "Connexions sur les systèmes linéaires stabilisables", Proceedings of CIFA2012, Grenoble (04-06/07/12) ( paper.pdf ).
    20. Quadrat, A. (2009). "Lattices, operators and duality", Proceedings of the Workshop on Control of Distributed Parameter Systems (CDPS 2009), Toulouse (France) (20-24/07/09) ( abstract.pdf ).
    21. Quadrat, A. (2007). "A historical journey through the internal stabilization problem", Proceedings of the Workshop on Control of Distributed Parameter Systems (CDPS 2007), Namur (Belgique) (23-27/07/07) ( abstract.pdf , slides.pdf ).
    22. Quadrat, A. (2005). "An elementary proof of the general Q -parametrization of all stabilizing controllers", Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague (Czech Republic) (04-08/07/05) ( paper.pdf , slides.pdf ).
    23. Quadrat, A. (2004). "Every internally stabilizable multidimensional system admits a doubly coprime factorization", Proceedings of MTNS04, Leuven (Belgium) (05-09/07/04) ( paper.pdf ).
    24. Quadrat, A. (2004). ""Stabilizing'' the stabilizing controllers", Proceedings of MTNS04, Leuven (Belgium) ( paper.pdf ).
    25. Quadrat, A. (2003). "A generalization of the Youla-Kučera parametrization for MIMO stabilizable systems", Proceedings of the Workshop on Time-Delay Systems (TDS03), IFAC Workshop, INRIA Rocquencourt (France) (08-10/09/03) ( paper.pdf ).
    26. Quadrat, A. (2003). "A fractional ideal approach to stabilization problems", Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC), Cambridge (United Kingdom) (01-04/09/03) ( paper.pdf ).
    27. Quadrat, A. (2002). "Une approche de la stabilisation interne par l'analyse algébrique I. Factorisations doublement faiblement copremières", Proceedings of CIFA 2002, Nantes (France) (08-10/07) ( paper.pdf ).
    28. Quadrat, A. (2002). "Une approche de la stabilisation interne par l'analyse algébrique II. Stabilisation interne", Proceedings of CIFA 2002, Nantes (France) (08-10/07) ( paper.pdf ).
    29. Quadrat, A. (2002). "Une approche de la stabilisation interne par l'analyse algébrique III. Sur une forme générale des contrôleurs stabilisants basée sur le rang stable", Proceedings of CIFA 2002, Nantes (France) (08-10/07) ( paper.pdf ).
    30. Quadrat, A. (2001). "Coherent H (D)-modules in control theory", Proceedings of the First IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control, Prague (Czech Republic) ( paper.pdf ).
    31. Quadrat, A. (2001). "Internal stabilization of coherent control systems", Proceedings of the First IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control, Prague (Czech Republic) ( paper.pdf ).

  3. Others:
    1. Quadrat, A. "Stabilization of infinite-dimensional linear systems: An algebraist's point of view", Working group EDP, GDR MACS, Lyon (17-18/01/08), A Workshop on linear systems theory: model reduction, Sde Boker (Israel) (14-19/09/08) ( slides.pdf ).
    2. Quadrat, A. "An introduction to control theory", MAP 2006, Lectures, Castro Urdiales (Spain) (09-13/01/06) ( slides1.pdf , slides2.pdf ).
    3. Quadrat, A. "An introduction to the fractional ideal approach to stabilization problems", Colloquium of the University of Innsbruck (Austria) (06/12/05).
    4. Quadrat, A. "Sur une généralisation de la paramétrisation de Youla-Kučera des contrôleurs stabilisants", CMA seminar (Sophia Antipolis) (30/04/02), GT ``Commande Robuste'' (GdR Automatique) (17/06/02), MIAOU Seminar (Sophia Antipolis) (29/03/04) ( slides.pdf ).
    5. Quadrat, A. (2002). "An introduction to internal stabilization of linear infinite dimensional systems", École Internationale d'Automatique de Lille (02-06/09/02): Contrôle de systèmes à paramètres répartis, Théorie et Applications ( slides.pdf ).
    6. Quadrat, A. (2001). "The fractional representation approach to synthesis problems: an algebraic viewpoint", Seminar at the Yorkshire Functional Analysis Group (Leeds University) (23/10/01), seminar at Newcastle University (06/11/01)

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