Some vain attempts for summarizing a noincreasing curve by a single number ...
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H-index 10,
according to MathSciNet (2023-06-28)
H-index 22, according to Google Scholar (2023-06-28) |
Title | Co-authors | Destination of the document | |||||
61 | Hnm4lcp - A solver of linear complementarity problems using the hybrid Newton-min algorithm | J.-P. Dussault | HAL+SWH code uploaded on the 25th of November 2024 | ||||
60 | ISF and BDIFFMIN - Matlab functions for the hyperplane arrangement and the computation of the B-differential of the componentwise minimum of two affine vector functions | J.-P. Dussault, B. Plaquevent-Jourdain | HAL report uploaded on the 23th of May 2023 | ||||
ISF and BDIFFMIN - The codes | J.-P. Dussault, B. Plaquevent-Jourdain | HAL+SWH codes uploaded on the 12th of June 2023 | |||||
59 | On the B-differential of the componentwise minimum of two affine vector functions | J.-P. Dussault, B. Plaquevent-Jourdain | Mathematical Programming Computation (to appear) | ||||
On the B-differential of the componentwise minimum of two affine vector functions - The full report | J.-P. Dussault, B. Plaquevent-Jourdain | HAL report uploaded on the 25th of November 2022, v2 on the 27th of March 2023 | |||||
58 | Exact computation of an error bound for the balanced linear complementarity problem with unique solution [doi] [view-only] | J.-P. Dussault | Mathematical Programming, 199:1-2 (2023) 1221-1238 | ||||
Exact computation of an error bound for the balanced linear complementarity problem with unique solution - The full report | J.-P. Dussault | HAL report uploaded on the 20th of October 2021, v2 on the 31st of March 2022 | |||||
57 | Fragments d'Optimisation Différentiable - Théorie et Algorithmes | Lecture Notes of optimization courses given at ENSTA (Paris, next Saclay), ENSAE (Paris) and at the universities Paris I, Paris VI and Paris Saclay. | |||||
56 | Polyhedral Newton-min algorithms for complementarity problems | J.-P. Dussault, M. Frappier | Mathematical Programming (to appear) | ||||
Polyhedral Newton-min algorithms for complementarity problems - The full report | J.-P. Dussault, M. Frappier | HAL report uploaded on the 15th of May 2023 | |||||
55 | A lower bound on the iterative complexity of the Harker and Pang globalization technique of the Newton-min algorithm for solving the linear complementarity problem [doi] | J.-P. Dussault, M. Frappier | EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 7:4 (2019) 359-380 | ||||
54 | An algorithmic characterization of P-matricity II: adjustments, refinements, and validation [doi] | I. Ben Gharbia | SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 40:2 (2019) 800-813 | ||||
53 | Equivalent R-linear and C-linear systems of equations | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (in revision) | |||||
52 | Plea for a semidefinite optimization solver in complex numbers | C. Josz | Mathematical Programming Computation (in revision) | ||||
Plea for a semidefinite optimization solver in complex numbers - The full report | C. Josz | HAL report uploaded on the 28th of March 2017 | |||||
SDOlab - A solver of real or complex number semidefinite optimization problem - Version 0.4 | Available on Software Heritage (2017) | ||||||
51 | Step by step design of an interior-point solver in self-dual conic optimization with applications | Lecture notes of the Master-2 Optimization at University Paris-Saclay in 2015-2020 | |||||
50 | Selected Topics on Continuous Optimization and Nonsmooth Systems | Lecture notes of the Master-2 Optimization at University Paris-Saclay in 2015-2021 | |||||
49 | On the solution uniqueness characterization in the L1 norm and polyhedral gauge recovery [doi] | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 172:1 (2017) 70-101. | |||||
48 | How the augmented Lagrangian algorithm can deal with an infeasible convex quadratic optimization problem | A. Chiche | Journal of Convex Analysis, 23:2 (2016) 425-459 | ||||
47 | Application of the moment-SOS approach to global optimization of the OPF problem [doi] | C. Josz, J. Maeght, P. Panciatici | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 30:1 (2015) 463-470 | ||||
46 | An algorithmic characterization of P-matricity [doi] | I. Ben Gharbia | SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 34 (2013) 904-916 | ||||
45 | Nonconvergence of the plain Newton-min algorithm for linear complementarity problems with a P-matrix [doi] | I. Ben Gharbia | Mathematical Programming, 134 (2012) 349-364 | ||||
Nonconvergence of the plain Newton-min algorithm for linear complementarity problems with a P-matrix - The full report | I. Ben Gharbia | INRIA Research Report, RR-7160 | |||||
44 | Nonlinear complementarity constraints for two-phase flow in porous media with gas phase appearance and disappearance | I. Ben Gharbia, J. Jaffré | 5th conference on Trends in Applied Mathematics in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco (TAMTAM), Sousse, April, 23-26, 2011, Tunisia, Proceeding ARIMA Journal | ||||
43 | M1CG1 - A solver of symmetric linear systems by conjugate gradient iterations, using a BFGS or an l-BFGS preconditioner - Version 1.2 | October 2011 | |||||
42 | SQPpro - A solver of nonlinear optimization problems, using an SQP approach - Version 0.5 | INRIA Technical Report, RT-378 (December 2009) | |||||
41 | QPAL - A solver of convex quadratic optimization problems, using an augmented Lagrangian approach - Version 0.6.1 | INRIA Technical Report, RT-377 (May 2009) | |||||
40 | The module M1QN3 - Version 3.3 | C. Lemaréchal | October 2009 | ||||
39 | SQPlab - A Matlab software for solving nonlinear optimization problems and optimal control problems | February 2009 | |||||
38 | LIBOPT - An environment for testing solvers on heterogeneous collections of problems | X. Jonsson | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (submitted) | ||||
LIBOPT - An environment for testing solvers on heterogeneous collections of problems - The manual, version 2.1 | X. Jonsson | INRIA Technical Report, RT-331 revised (January 2009) | |||||
Organization of the Modulopt collection of optimization problems in the Libopt environment - Version 2.1 | INRIA Technical Report, RT-329 revised (January 2009) | ||||||
37 | Nonlinear optimization for reservoir characterization | F. Delbos, T. Feng, D. Sinoquet | Proceedings of EngOpt 2008 - International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-5, 2008 | ||||
36 | Optimisation Différentiable [doi] | Techniques de l'Ingénieur, document AF-1-252 (2008) | |||||
35 | Higher order time stepping for second order hyperbolic problems and optimal CFL conditions [doi] | P. Joly | Partial Differential Equations, Springer, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences 16 (2008) 67-93 | ||||
34 | Constrained optimization in seismic reflection tomography: a Gauss-Newton augmented Lagrangian approach [doi] | F. Delbos, R. Glowinski, D. Sinoquet | Geophysical Journal International, 164 (2006) 670-684 | ||||
33 | A dedicated constrained optimization method for 3D reflection tomography | F. Delbos, D. Sinoquet | EAGE 66th Conference & Exhibition, Paris, France, June 7, 2004 | ||||
32 | Numerical Optimization: Theoretical and Practical Aspects (second edition) [doi] [authors] | F. Bonnans, C. Lemaréchal, C. Sagastizábal | Springer, 2006 | ||||
31 | Global linear convergence of an augmented Lagrangian algorithm for solving convex quadratic optimization problems | F. Delbos | Journal of Convex Analysis, 12 (2005) 45-69 | ||||
30 | Examples of ill-behaved central paths in convex optimization [doi] | C.C. Gonzaga, E. Karas | Mathematical Programming, 103 (2005) 63-94 | ||||
29 | A truncated SQP algorithm for solving nonconvex equality constrained optimization problems [doi] | L. Chauvier, A. Fuduli | Proceedings of High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization, Erice, Italie, G. Di Pillo et A. Murli (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. (2003) 146-173 | ||||
28 | Numerical Optimization: Theoretical and Practical Aspects [doi] [authors] | F. Bonnans, C. Lemaréchal, C. Sagastizábal | Springer, 2003 | ||||
27 | A BFGS-IP algorithm for solving strongly convex optimization problems with feasibility enforced by an exact penalty approach [doi] | P. Armand, S. Jan-Jégou | Mathematical Programming, 92 (2002) 393-424 | ||||
26 | A feasible BFGS interior point algorithm for solving strongly convex minimization problems [doi] | P. Armand, S. Jan-Jégou | SIAM Journal on Optimization, 11 (2000) 199-222 | ||||
25 | A trust region method based on interior point techniques for nonlinear programming [doi] | R.H. Byrd, J. Nocedal | Mathematical Programming, 89 (2000) 149-185 | ||||
24 | A piecewise line-search technique for maintaining the positive definiteness of the matrices in the SQP method [doi] | P. Armand | Computational Optimization and Applications, 16 (2000) 121-158 | ||||
23 | Optimal control of a deep-towed vehicle by optimization techniques [doi] | L. Chauvier, G. Damy, N. Pichon | Proceedings of IEEE/OES Oceans'98, Nice, September 1998, p. 1634-1639 | ||||
22 | Piecewise line-search techniques for constrained minimization by quasi-Newton algorithms [doi] | Advances in Nonlinear Programming, 1998, p. 73-103. Proceedings of International Conference on Nonlinear Programming, Beijing, Y.-X. Yuan (ed), Kluwer | |||||
21 | On the realization of the Wolfe conditions in reduced quasi-Newton methods for equality constrained optimization [doi] | SIAM Journal on Optimization, 7 (1997) 780-813 | |||||
20 | Optimisation Numérique: Aspects Théoriques et Pratiques [editor] | F. Bonnans, C. Lemaréchal, C. Sagastizábal | Springer, 1997 | ||||
19 | Application of the automatic differentiation tool Odyssée to a system of thermohydraulic equations | C. Duval, P. Erhard, Ch. Faure | Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1996, J.A. Désidéri, P. Le Tallec, E. Onate, J. Périaux et E. Stein (eds), 795-802, John Wiley & Sons | ||||
18 | Applicabilité de la différentiation automatique à un système d'équations aux dérivées partielles régissant les phénomènes thermohydrauliques dans un tube chauffant | F. Eyssette, Ch. Faure, N. Rostaing-Schmidt | INRIA Research Report, RR-2795 (February 1996) | ||||
17 | A family of variable metric proximal methods [doi] | F. Bonnans, C. Lemaréchal, C. Sagastizábal | Mathematical Programming, 68 (1995) 15-47 | ||||
16 | Superlinear convergence of a reduced BFGS method with piecewise line-search and update criterion | INRIA Research Report, RR-2140 (December 1993) | |||||
15 | Automatic differentiation and the step computation in the limited memory BFGS method [doi] | J. Nocedal | Applied Mathematics Letters, 6 (1993) 47-50 | ||||
14 | Automatic differentiation and iterative processes [doi] | Optimization Methods and Software, 1 (1992) 13-21 | |||||
13 | Global convergence properties of conjugate gradient methods for optimization [doi] | J. Nocedal | SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2 (1992) 21-42 | ||||
12 | Non-linear optimization and large-scale problems [doi] | Engineering optimization, 18 (1991) 5-21 | |||||
11 | Maintaining the positive definiteness of the matrices in reduced secant methods for equality constrained optimization [doi] | Mathematical Programming, 50 (1991) 1-28 | |||||
10 | La différentiation automatique de fonctions représentées par des programmes | G. Le Vey, J. Masse | INRIA Research Report, RR-1557 (November 1991) | ||||
9 | Numerical methods for large-scale minimization | Proceedings of the 1991 ECMWF Seminar on "Numerical Methods in Atmospheric Models" (Reading, United-Kingdom), 2 (1991) 93-113 | |||||
8 | Morcad, an object-oriented molecular modelling package running on IBM RS/6000 and SGI 4Dxxx workstations [doi] | M. Le Bret, J. Gabarro-Arpa, C. Lemaréchal | Journal de Chimie Physique, 88 (1991) 2489-2496 | ||||
7 | Some numerical experiments with variable-storage quasi-Newton algorithms [doi] | C. Lemaréchal | Mathematical Programming, 45 (1989) 407-435 | ||||
6 | On the local and global convergence of a reduced quasi-Newton method [doi] | Optimization, 20 (1989) 421-450 | |||||
5 | A step-size selection procedure for equality constrained optimization [doi] | Analysis and optimization of systems (Antibes, 1988), 309-320, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., 111, Springer, Berlin, 1988 | |||||
4 | Mise à jour de la métrique dans les méthodes de quasi-Newton réduites en optimisation avec contraintes d'égalité [doi] | Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique, 22 (1988) 251-288 | |||||
3 | Une méthode de quasi-Newton réduite en optimisation sous contraintes avec priorité à la restauration [doi] | Analysis and optimization of systems (Antibes, 1986), 40-53, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., 83, Springer, Berlin, 1986 | |||||
2 | Numerical identification of the plasma current density from the experimental measurements | J. Blum, J. Le Foll, B. Thooris | Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 10:D (1986) 49-52 | ||||
1 | Parametric identification of the plasma current density from the magnetic measurements and pressure profile | J. Blum, J. Le Foll, B. Thooris | Proceedings of the 11th Int. Conf. on Numerical Simulation of Plasma (Montreal) |