FreeFem++ scripts for a posteriori error estimates via flux and potential reconstructions
Martin Vohralík
scripts to be used with FreeFem++
easy to understand and modify
model steady partial differential equations in 2D
guaranteed energy error upper bound (reliability)
polynomial-degree- and parameter-robust energy error lower bound (efficiency)
equilibrated flux reconstruction
potential reconstruction
mesh adaptivity
solvers adaptivity
1. Laplace equation and conforming finite elements: a posteriori error estimates
flux reconstruction by averaging
equilibrated flux reconstruction by the solution of local energy minimization problems
error and estimators distributions
effectivity index
robustness wrt polynomial degree
illustrative implementation not meant for speed
description and exercices
FreeFem++ script
2. Laplace equation and conforming finite elements: mesh adaptivity
Dörfler marking
adaptive mesh regeneration
convergence with respect to the number of degrees of freedom
optimal (best-possible) error decay
description and exercices
FreeFem++ scripts
3. Laplace equation and nonconforming finite elements: a posteriori error estimates and mesh adaptivity
equilibrated flux reconstruction by prescription
potential reconstruction by averaging
error and estimators distributions
effectivity index
Dörfler marking
adaptive mesh regeneration
convergence with respect to the number of degrees of freedom
optimal (best-possible) error decay
fast execution setting bool PlotMesh = 0, PlotSolAppr = 0, PlotSolApprFluxes = 0, PlotPotRec = 0, PlotApprPot = 0, PlotFluxRec = 0, PlotErr = 0, PlotEst = 0
description and exercices
FreeFem++ scripts
4. Monotonous and Lipschitz-continuous nonlinear equations and conforming finite elements: adaptive stopping criteria
iterative linearization
equilibrated flux reconstruction by the solution of local linear energy minimization problems
discretization and linearization error components
balancing error components (adaptive stopping criteria)
description and exercices
FreeFem++ script
5. Reaction–diffusion equation: parameter robustness
equilibrated flux reconstruction by the solution of local energy minimization problems
error and estimators distributions
effectivity index
robustness wrt model parameters
the full script used for the numerical experiments in Smears, I., Vohralík, M. Simple and robust equilibrated flux a
posteriori estimates for singularly perturbed reaction–diffusion problems.
ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 54 (2020), 1951–1973, Journal version , preprint
a simple example FreeFem++ script
the full FreeFem++ script
© 2025 Martin Vohralík +33 (0) 1 80 49 42 37 Inria Paris, 48 rue Barrault, 75647 Paris, France, building A, office 407