Research interests: mathematical models in biology and medicine
- The cell division cycle and its physiological and pharmacological control
- Evolution and cancer, in particular evolution of tumour cell populations towards anticancer drug resistance
(see a still current presentation, Mathematical Biology on the Mediterranean Conference, Samos, septembre 2019 or a summary, ECMTB, Lisbon, July 2018)
- Optimisation of cancer therapeutics
- Cancer as failure of multicellular organisation, a vision of evolutionary biology that resorts to "philosophy of cancer", see a recent presentation at Modeling Complexity in Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Theory, Experiments, and Simulations, Syracuse, Sicily, September 2024
- Former research interests (heart rate, cardiovascular system,
autonomic nervous system, molecular pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics (PK-PD) of anticancer drugs):
see a brief historical
résumé (in French) and a dated synthesis: Habilitation thesis (19/12/2007, in French)
Short C.V.
- Born in Dakar (Senegal) in 1950 (photo with Khadie, 5 rue Salva, Dakar, 1952)
- Studies in mathematics at Paris VII University: Agrégation
(1977) and PhD (doctorat de troisième cycle, 1978) in mathematics
- Medical studies at Paris VI University (CHU
Broussais-Hôtel-Dieu) : MD (1989)
- Professeur agrégé de mathématiques in
secondary schools (1981-1989) and at the university (Paris VIII, 1996-2001 and 2003-2004)
- Detached as researcher (CR1) at INRIA (SOSSO project-team,
later become SISYPHE, 1989-1996 and 2001-2003,
BANG project-team 2004-2013,
then MAMBA, 2014-2023, and now, 2024-..., MUSCLEES), permanent INRIA researcher 2007, habilitation thesis 2007, senior scientist (DR) 2009, emeritus 2018, member of LJLL since 2010