Jean Clairambault: Popularisation / Grand public

  • Clairambault, J. Le cancer comme désorganisation localisée du plan corporel. Revue Française de Psychomatique (PUF) 66:83-98, November 2024, or (access on, or author's preprint (in French, with English summary)

  • Clairambault, J. My personal journey in mathematical biology and medicine. SMB Newsletter 28(1):11-12, January 2015

  • Clairambault, J. Perspective on "New and less new opportunities for mathematical biology as applied to biological and clinical medicine''. SMB Newsletter 27(2):14-15, May 2014

  • Wolkenhauer, O., Auffray, C., Brass, O., Clairambault, J., Deutsch, A., Drasdo, D., Gervasio, F., Preziosi, L., Maini, P., Marciniak-Czochra, A., Kossow, C., Kuepfer, L., Rateitschak, K., Ramis-Conde, I., Ribba, B., Schuppert,A., Smallwood, R., Stamatakos, G., Winter, F., Byrne, H. Enabling multiscale modeling in systems medicine. Genome Medicine, 6:21(3 pages), 2014.

  • Clairambault, J., Magal, P., Volpert, V. Cancer as an evolutionary process. European Communications on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, 16:17-20, December 2013.

  • Clairambault, J. Can theorems help treat cancer? J. Math. Biol., 66( 7):1555-1558, 2013. doi:10.1007/s00285-012-0518-9. Preprint

  • Thomas, F., Fisher, D., Fort, P., Marie, J.-P., Daoust, S., Roche, B., Grunau, C., Cosseau, C., Mitta, G., Baghdiguian, S., Rousset, F., Lassus, P., Assenat, E., Grégoire, D., Missé, D., Lorz, A., Billy, F., Vainchenker, W., Delhommeau, F., Koscielny, S., Itzykson, R., Tang, RP, Fava, F., Ballesta, A., Lepoutre, T., Krasinska, L., Dulic, V., Raynaud, P., Blache, P., Quittau-Prevostel, C., Vignal, E., Trauchessec, H., Perthame, B., Clairambault, J., Volpert, V., Solary, E., Hibner, U., Hochberg, M.E. Applying ecological and evolutionary theory to cancer: a long and winding road. Evolutionary Applications, pub. on line 16 Nov. 2012, DOI: 10.1111/eva.1202.

  • Clairambault, J. Commitment of mathematicians in medicine. A personal experience, and generalisations. Acta Biotheoretica, 59(3):201-211, 2011. doi:10.1007/s10441-011-9140-2

  • Artzrouni, M., Begg, C.B., Chabiniok, R., Clairambault, J., Foss, AJ.E., Hargrove, J., Lee, E.K., Siggers, J.H., Tindall, M. The First International Workshop on the Role and Impact of Mathematics in Medicine: A collective account. Amer. J. Transl. Res., 3(5): 492-497, 2011.

  • Clairambault, J. Vers une médecine personnalisée. Les Cahiers de l'INRIA, La Recherche, 447, Dec. 2010.

  • Clairambault, J., Perthame, B. Modélisation mathématique en biologie et en médecine. Projet Bang. MATAPLI 85:61-65, January 2008

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