Researcher & developer at Photoneo.
Photoneo was established by a team of visionaries and talented vision engineers. They’ve transformed their deep scientific research into unique technology and products. The portfolio is based on extensive knowledge and experience with 2D and 3D vision systems.
PhD student at INRIA Paris & Université Paris-Est, CERMICS (ENPC) and Sorbonne University
My work on subject Adaptive hp-finite elements with guaranteed error contraction and inexact multilevel solvers has been carried out within the project ERC Consolidator Grant GATIPOR.
On 22 March 2019, I successfully defended my PhD thesis at Sorbonne University, Paris. The slides can be found here.
I participated at the Sixth Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations - WONAPDE 2019. I gave a talk in the minisymposium "Robust Numerical Methods In Structural Mechanics And For Higher Order Problems".
The paper An adaptive hp-refinement strategy with inexact solvers and computable guaranteed bound on the error reduction factor with A. Ern and M. Vohralík is submitted for publication and available on HAL.
I participated at the 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM18), one of the largest Computational Mechanics gatherings in the United States. I gave a talk in the minisymposium "Error Analysis and Adaptivity for Advanced Galerkin Methods" and I also got selected to present my poster during the students' poster competition at the conference.
SERENA (Equipe)
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Centre Inria de Paris
2 rue Simone Iff
CS 42112
75589 Paris Cedex 12
(+33) 01 80 49 42 44
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