Reading group on randomized numerical linear algebra
| Introduction | Meetings | Covered papers |
Reading group details - UC Berkeley, Spring 2015
Randomized linear algebra is a very active subject now, with ideas
from and impacts on various fields, including analysis of big data
sets, probability and statistics, numerical analysis, and
computational complexity.
We have a new reading group on this topic, and some of the papers listed below will be covered during the
meetings. We will focus in particular on sampling and projection
algorithms for low rank matrix approximations, least squares
approximation, matrix multiplication, and related problems, with the
exact topics to be determined by the participants.
Expected outcomes of the reading group are the following:
Organizers: Jim Demmel, Laura Grigori, Ming Gu, Michael Mahoney
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Meetings - Tuesdays 2-3pm - room 540 AB Cory Hall
Archived video of the lectures may be seen here
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List of papers covered (evolving)
If you wish to present one of the following papers (for which there is not yet a speaker), or other relevant paper, please send an email to Laura Grigori.
Overlapping categories:
Proofs of fundamental results
Low rank approximation
Sketching algorithms
Fast Least Squares