Functor Vector.HeapOfArray

module HeapOfArray (A : ArrayType)  (E : ComparableType  with type t = A.elt) : sig .. end
Heap implementation in a vector. Minimum gets first out.
A : ArrayType
E : ComparableType with type t = A.elt

module V: Vector.OfArray(A)
type t = {
   mutable v : V.t;
   mutable back : int;
type elt = V.elt 
val create : ?size:int -> unit -> t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val clear : t -> unit
val add : t -> V.elt -> unit
val push : t -> V.elt -> unit
val peek_min : t -> V.elt
val pop_min : t -> V.elt
val size : t -> int