Module Traversal

module Traversal: sig .. end
Traversal algorithms with tree construction.

module type G = sig .. end
Minimal signature needed for graphs.
module type A = sig .. end
Minimal signature for arrays/hashtable depending on graph implementation.
module Traversal (A : A) : sig .. end
In a graph traversal, each node is numbered (first node visited: 0, second node: 1, ...), has eventually a parent (the ndoe from which it was discovered, the starting node(s) of the traversal are their own parent, the parent information thus induces a forest), and a distance information (the length of parent chain up to a source node).
module Bfs (A : A)  (G : G) : sig .. end
module Dfs (A : A)  (G : G) : sig .. end
module Array: sig .. end
module Hashtbl: sig .. end
val unit : unit -> unit