- Noël Nadal, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Fawzi Nashashibi.
Landmark-based geopositioning
with imprecise map.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Vehicle
Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, VEHITS 2025, Porto,
Portugal, April 2025. SciTePress.
- Guy
Fayolle, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, and Carlos
Stability and string stability of
car-following models with reaction-time delay.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 82(5):1661–1679, 2022.
- Cyril Furtlehner, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, Alessandro Attanasi, Marco
Pezzulla, and Guido Gentile.
Short-term forecasting of urban
traffic using spatio-temporal Markov field.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
23(8):10858–10867, 2022.
- Mohamed Hadded, Pascale
Minet, and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes.
A game theory-based route planning
approach for automated vehicle collection.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,
33(16):e6246, March 2021.
- Mohamed Hadded, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, Fawzi Nashashibi, and Ilias
Platoon route optimization for picking up automated vehicles in an urban
In 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITSC), pages 1987–1992, 2018.
- Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, Ahmed
Soua, and Oyunchimeg Shagdar.
Toward Efficient Simulation
Platform for Platoon Communication in Large Scale C-ITS Scenarios.
In IEEE International Symposium on Networks, Computers and
Communications, Roma, Italy, June 2018.
- Derek Christie, Anne Koymans,
Thierry Chanard, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, and
Vincent Kaufmann.
driverless electric vehicles in Europe: The City Automated Transport
System (CATS).
Transportation Research Procedia, 13:30–39, 2016.
Towards future innovative transport: visions, trends and methods, 43rd European
Transport Conference Selected Proceedings.
- Victorin Martin, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Cyril Furtlehner.
Latent Binary MRF for Online Reconstruction of Large Scale Systems.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 77(1):123–154,
- Jean-Marc
Global on-line optimization for charging station allocation.
In Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 2015. IEEE,
- Guy Fayolle and Jean-Marc
Modeling a case of
herding behavior in a multi-player game.
Queueing Systems, 76(3):243–265, 2014.
- Mercedes Fernández,
Anastasia Bolovinou, Georgios Karagianinis,
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, Jens Mittag,
Israel Varea, Roman Kurpatov,
Zoltán Kovács, and Francesco Mastrandea.
Co-operative commuting assistant for enhanced personal electromobility.
In 10th ITS European Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 2014.
- Victorin Martin, Cyril
Furtlehner, Yufei Han, and Jean-Marc
GMRF estimation under
topological and spectral constraints.
In Eyke Hüllermeier Toon Calders, Floriana Esposito and
Rosa Meo, editors, Machine Learning and Knowledge
Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2014.
Proceedings, Part II, volume 8725 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 370–385, Nancy, France, 2014. Springer Berlin
- A. de La Fortelle, J.-M.
Lasgouttes, and F. Moutarde.
Information, modeling and traffic reconstruction.
In A. Nait-Sidi-Moh, M. Bakhouya,
J. Gaber, and M. Wack, editors,
Geopositioning and Mobility, ISTE, pages 47–73. John Wiley &
Sons, 2013.
- Alma Solar, Anastasia
Bolovinou, Geert Heijenk, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Rafael Giménez.
Mobility 2.0: Co-operative ITS
systems for enhanced personal electromobility.
In 27th International Electrical Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition
(EVS27), Barcelona, Spain, 2013.
- Victorin Martin, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Cyril Furtlehner.
Local stability of belief
propagation algorithm with multiple fixed points.
In STAIRS'12 - Sixth ``Starting Artificial Intelligence Research''
Symposium, Montpellier, France, 2012. IOS Press.
- Cyril Furtlehner, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Maxim Samsonov.
One-dimensional particle processes
with acceleration/braking asymmetry.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 147(6):1113–1144, June 2012.
- Victorin Martin, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Cyril Furtlehner.
A probabilistic framework for road traffic reconstruction and prediction based
on incomplete data.
In Jean-Patrick Lebacque, Maurince Aron, and
Nadir Fahri, editors, Modélisation des réseaux de
transport – GERI SMRT 2011, number A136 in Actes, pages 91–95.
IFSTTAR, 2011.
- Cyril Furtlehner, Yufei Han,
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, Victorin Martin, and
Fabien Moutarde.
Propagation of information on
undirected dependency graphs for road traffic inference.
In CCT'11 - Chaos, Complexity and Transport, pages 191–203,
Marseille, France, December 2011. World Scientific.
- Cyril Furtlehner, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Maxim Samsonov.
The fundamental diagram on the ring
geometry for particle processes with acceleration/braking asymmetry.
In TGF'11 - Traffic and Granular Flow, Moscow, December 2011.
- C. Furtlehner, Y. Han,
J.-M. Lasgouttes, V. Martin,
F. Marchal, and F. Moutarde.
Spatial and temporal analysis of traffic states on large scale networks.
In Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC'10, pages
1215–1220. IEEE, 2010.
- Cyril
Furtlehner, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, and Anne
Learning multiple belief propagation fixed points for real time inference.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
389(1):149–163, 2010.
- Maxim
Samsonov, Cyril Furtlehner, and Jean-Marc
Exactly solvable stochastic
processes for traffic modelling.
In Springer, editor, 25th International Symposium on
Computer and Information Sciences - ISCIS 2010, pages 75–78,
Londres, Royaume-Uni, September 2010. Erol Gelenbe, Ricardo Lent, Georgia
- Cyril Furtlehner and Jean-Marc
A queueing theory
approach for a multi-speed exclusion process.
In Cécile Appert-Rolland and others, editors,
Traffic and Granular Flow '07, pages 129–138. Springer,
- Cyril Furtlehner, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Arnaud de La Fortelle.
A belief propagation approach to traffic prediction using probe vehicles.
In Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC'07, pages
1022–1027, 2007.
- Arnaud de La Fortelle, Cyril
Furtlehner, and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes.
Statistical physics algorithms for traffic reconstruction.
ERCIM News, 68:34–35, January 2007.
- O. J. Boxma, S. G. Foss,
J.-M. Lasgouttes, and R. Núñez Queija.
Waiting time asymptotics in the single server queue with service in random
Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 46(1):35–74, 2004.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Guy
Fayolle, Maxim Krikun, and Jean-Marc
and death processes on certain random trees: Classification and stationary
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 128(3):386–418, 2004.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s00440-003-0311-1.
- Guy Fayolle, Arnaud
de La Fortelle, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, Laurent
Massoulié, and James Roberts.
Best-effort networks: modeling and
performance analysis via large networks asymptotics.
In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2001, volume 2, pages 709–716,
Anchorage, United States, 2001.
- G. Fayolle and J.-M.
A nonlinear integral operator encountered in the bandwidth sharing of a
star-shaped network.
In Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and
Probabilities, Trends in Mathematics, pages 231–242. Birkhaüser,
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Guy Fayolle and Jean-Marc
Asymptotics and scalings for large closed product-form networks via the
Central Limit Theorem.
Markov Processes and Related Fields, 2(2):317–348, 1996.
- Guy Fayolle and Jean-Marc
A state-dependent polling model with
markovian routing.
In Frank P. Kelly and Ruth R. Williams, editors,
Stochastic networks, volume 71 of The IMA Volumes in
Mathematics and its Applications, pages 283–312. Springer-Verlag,
- Pierre Brémaud and
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes.
Stationary IPA estimates for non-smooth G/G/1/ infty functionals via
Palm inversion and level-crossing analysis.
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications,
3(4):347–374, 1993.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Cyril Furtlehner, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, Alessandro Attanasi, Lorenzo
Meschini, and Marco Pezzulla.
Spatio-temporal Probabilistic
Short-term Forecasting on Urban Networks.
Research Report RR-9236, Inria Saclay–Île-de-France ; Inria de Paris ;
PTV-SISTeMA, July 2019.
- Victorin Martin, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Cyril Furtlehner.
Using Latent Binary Variables for
Online Reconstruction of Large Scale Systems.
Rapport de recherche RR-8435, INRIA, December 2013.
- Guy Fayolle and Jean-Marc
Modeling a Case of Herding Behavior
in a Multi-Player Game.
Rapport de recherche RR-8190, INRIA, December 2012.
- Cyril Furtlehner, Yufei Han,
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, and Victorin Martin.
Pairwise MRF calibration by
perturbation of the Bethe reference point.
Rapport de recherche RR-8059, INRIA, October 2012.
- Victorin Martin, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Cyril Furtlehner.
The Role of Normalization in the
Belief Propagation Algorithm.
Rapport de recherche RR-7514, INRIA, January 2011.
- Maxim
Samsonov, Cyril Furtlehner, and Jean-Marc
Exactly solvable stochastic
processes for traffic modelling.
Rapport de recherche RR-7278, INRIA, May 2010.
- Cyril Furtlehner, Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, and Arnaud de La Fortelle.
Belief propagation and Bethe approximation for traffic prediction.
Rapport de recherche RR-6144, INRIA, March 2007.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Cyril Furtlehner, Arnaud
de La Fortelle, and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes.
Belief-propagation algorithm for a traffic prediction system based on probe
Rapport de recherche RR-5807, INRIA, January 2006.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Peggy Cénac, Guy Fayolle,
and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes.
Dynamical systems in the analysis of biological sequences.
Rapport de recherche RR-5351, INRIA, October 2004.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- O. J. Boxma, S. G. Foss,
J.-M. Lasgouttes, and R. Núñez Queija.
Waiting time
asymptotics in the single server queue with service in random order.
Technical Report 2003-02, EURANDOM, 2003.
- Guy
Fayolle, Maxim Krikun, and Jean-Marc
Birth and death processes on certain random trees: Classification and
stationary laws.
Rapport de recherche RR-4380, INRIA, Rocquencourt BP 105 – 78153 Le Chesnay
– France, February 2002.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- G. Fayolle and J.-M.
Partage de bande passante dans un réseau : approches probabilistes.
Rapport de recherche RR-4202, INRIA, 2001.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Guy Fayolle and Jean-Marc
Asymptotics and scalings for large closed product-form networks via the
Central Limit Theorem.
Rapport de recherche RR-2754, INRIA, December 1995.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Guy Fayolle and Jean-Marc
Limit laws for large product-form networks: connections with the Central
Limit Theorem.
Rapport de recherche RR-2513, INRIA, March 1995.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Guy Fayolle and Jean-Marc
A state-dependent polling model with Markovian routing.
Rapport de recherche RR-2279, INRIA, Rocquencourt BP 105 – 78153 Le Chesnay
– France, June 1994.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Pierre Brémaud and Jean-Marc
Stationary IPA estimates for non-smooth functions of the GI/G/1/ infty
Rapport de recherche RR-1677, INRIA, Rocquencourt BP 105 – 78153 Le Chesnay
– France, May 1992.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Guy Fayolle and Jean-Marc
Lasgouttes, editors.
Special Issue on Statistical Mechanics of Large Networks, volume 3
of Markov Processes and Related Fields, 1997.
- Jean-Marc
Modélisation probabiliste de grands systèmes Praxitéle.
INRIA, Mar 1997.
Manuel d'utilisation de BigNet 2.00.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Jean-Marc
Contribution à l'analyse de réseaux stochastiques et application aux
systèmes de transport.
Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique, 1995.
(Gzipped PostScript)
- Jean-Marc
Introduction à l'analyse de perturbations infinitésimales.
Rapport de DEA, École Polytechnique, 1991.
- Jean-Marc
Crazy maze.
Hebdogiciel 21, May 1985.