Fabrice Rouillier
- RS (unique contributor) : Real Roots
isolation for algebraic systems with rational coefficients
with a finite number of Complex Roots. Integrated in Maple
since version 11. Requires a Gröbner engine. The best way to use the main functions from RS is through the official Maple packages:
- RS3 (unique contributor) : Experimental
open-source library project, successor of RS for some
functions, does not require any Gröbner engine.It is
currently used as the algebraic engine of ISOTOP software.
- MPFI (contribution : the first version of the library
including the basic operations and comparisons. It has been
extracted from RS) :
open-source library based on MPFR, implementing a
multi-precision interval arithmetic.
- usp.c
: a collaborative open source simple variant of Descartes'
method for isolating the real roots of a univariate
polynomial with rational coefficients.
- DV (contribution : the basic version
working in the generic case including the open CAD): Real
Roots of parametric algebraic systems. This was an early
version of the Maple package
- ISOTOP (contribution : essentially the bivariate
solver based on RS3) : Topology of plane curves.
- SIROPA (contribution : early versions of
computational tools, modeling and interfaces with algebraic
tools) : modélisation, analyse et conception de manipulateurs mécaniques.
- ANewDsc A prototype adding a Newton
iteration to the Descartes' bisection strategy to get an
algorithm (and also an implementation)
with a state of the art complexity.