Augustin Bariant
Symmetric cryptography expert at ANSSI
Former student at École Polytechnique, I completed a double degree with KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in 2021. In march 2021, I started a Ph.D in symmetric cryptography in the team COSMIQ of Inria de Paris, under the supervision of Gaëtan Leurent. There, I mainly worked on boomerang attacks against AES-based ciphers and algebraic attacks against arithmetization-oriented primitives. I also codesigned LeMac, which is the fastest MAC in the literature on modern processors to this day. I defended my PhD on the 27/06/2024.I am currently working as an expert in the cryptography laboratory of ANSSI, and am still performing research. I am mainly interested in other types of attacks on SPN ciphers, e.g. impossible differential or square attacks, and I am still actively involved in the algebraic cryptanalysis of arithmetization-oriented primitives. I also enjoy designing and breaking crypto challenges in CTF competitions. You can find my resumé in french here.
- Title: Analysis of AES-based and arithmetization-oriented symmetric cryptography primitives.
- Defense: On the 27/06/2024 at École Normale Supérieure Paris.
- Manuscript.
- Slides.
- Tutor in mathematics for first-year students (MPSI) in the preparatory school Lycée Louis Le Grand.
- Teaching assistant (TP) for the first year class LU1IN011 at Sorbonne Université (SU): Introduction to Programming in Python.
- Teaching assistant (TP) for the second year class LU2IN019 at SU: Functional Programming.
- Teaching assistant (TD+TP) for the third year class LU3IN024 at SU: Introduction to Cryptology.
- Teaching assistant (TD+TP) for the third year class LU2IN017 at SU: Web Technologies.
- Teaching assistant (TP) for the first year class LU1IN011 at SU: Introduction to Programming in Python.
- Teaching assistant (TP) for the second year class LU2IN019 at SU: Functional Programming.
- Fast Software Encryption (FSE), 2020: Cryptanalysis of Forkciphers (first part).
- Journées C2, 2022: Generating Bitslice Implementations of Arbitrary S-Boxes.
- Junior Seminar, 2022: Algebraic Attacks against Some Arithmetization-Oriented Hash Functions.
- Séminaire de Versailles, 2022: Algebraic Attacks against Some Arithmetization-Oriented Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms.
- Journées C2, 2023: Truncated Boomerang Attacks and Application to AES-based Ciphers.
1. | A. Bariant, N. David, G. Leurent, Cryptanalysis of Forkciphers, IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (ToSC) 2020, volume 1. |
2. | A. Bariant, C. Bouvier, G. Leurent, L. Perrin, Algebraic Attacks against Some Arithmetization-Oriented Primitives, IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (ToSC) 2022, volume 3. |
3. | A. Bariant, G. Leurent, Truncated Boomerang Attacks and Application to AES-based Ciphers, EUROCRYPT 2023. |
4. | A. Bariant, A. Boeuf, A. Lemoine, I. Manterola Ayala, M. Øygarden, L. Perrin, H. Raddum, The Algebraic Freelunch: Efficient Gröbner Basis Attacks Against Arithmetization-Oriented Primitives, CRYPTO 2024. |
5. | A. Bariant, J. Baudrin, G. Leurent, C. Pernot, L. Perrin, T. Peyrin, Fast AES-Based Universal Hash Functions and MACs: Featuring LeMac and PetitMac, IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (ToSC) 2024, volume 2. |
6. | A. Bariant, A Univariate Attack on a Full Ciminion Instance, Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) 2024. |
7. | A. Bariant, O. Dunkelman, N. Keller, G. Leurent, V. Mollimard, Improved Boomerang Attacks on 6-Round AES, EPRINT 2024. |
Contact Details
- augustin [dot] bariant [at] inria [dot] fr
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