Vassilis Christophides Advanced Research Position
Curriculum Vitae || Publications
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Main Research interests: Information Systems for the IoT, Big Data Processing and Analysis, Databases & Web Information Systems.
Vassilis Christophides is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Crete. He has been appointed in 2015 to an advanced research position at INRIA-Paris. Previously, he worked as a Distinguished Scientist at Technicolor, R&I Center in Paris. He studied Electrical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, July 1988, he received his DEA in computer science from the University PARIS VI, June 1992, and his Ph.D. from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM) of Paris, October 1996.
His main research interests include Databases and Web Information Systems, as well as Big Data Processing. His current research work at INRIA focuses on Network measurements and IoT data analytics. He has published over 130 articles in high-quality international conferences and journals. He has been scientific coordinator of a number of research projects funded by the European Union and the Greek State. He has received the 2004 SIGMOD Test of Time Award and 2 Best Paper Awards (ISWC 2003 and 2007). He served as General Chair of the EDBT/ICDT Conference in 2014 and as Area Chair for the ICDE “Semi-structured, Web, and Linked Data Management” track in 2016. He has also co-authored a book on entity resolution in the Web of data.
Last Updated: Janouary, 2019.