
中国科学技术     Science and Technology in China

Stéphane Grumbach (alias 郭青溪), INRIA senior scientist

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Member of the Europe Asia Network of research and expertise Eurasiane, I have been following the development of S&T in China from the various positions I have occupied in recent years, head of international relations at INRIA (2000-2003), science counselor in the French Embassy in Beijing (2003-2005), member of the French national Commission of UNESCO (2001-2006), director of the Sino-French IT Lab, LIAMA, in Beijing (2006-2009).
In 2006, I was awarded the title of PhD advisor (博导) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am the first foreigner to obtain this title, in any field, in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
See article of Peoples daily "A foreign doctor habilitated to supervise PhD thesis in the Chinese Academy of Sciences." 中科院 有了外籍博士生导师。人民日报 2007年1月19日。
Some contributions
  • Cross-Border Data Exchanges, The Rise of Platform Economy in Asia, with Jean-Pascal Bassino and Aurélien Faravelon, Workshop Cross-border Exchanges and the Shadow Economy, IIAS, Leiden, 14 December 2015
  • Le Débat
  • Le «vrai Grand Bond en avant». La politique de recherche et d'innovation en Chine, with Guilhem Fabre,
    Revue Le Débat, n° 173, Janvier - février 2013, Gallimard
  • The stakes of Big Data in the IT industry: China as the next global challenger? The 18th International Euro-Asia Research Conference, The Globalisation of Asian Markets: implications for Multinational Investors, Venezia, February, 2013 abstract.pdf paper.pdf
  • " La Chine au coeur de la société de l'information", séance ordinaire de l'Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Asymétries et forces neuves du monde actuel, 2 juillet 2012
  • "The World upside down, China's R&D and innovation strategy", with Guilhem Fabre,
    Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, FMSH, Working Papers Series No 7, 2012, pdf
  • "Innovation in China", TAFTIE, Oslo, 2009, Slides
  • "La recherche scientifique dans la Chine d'aujourd'hui", presentation at Cité des Sciences, 2006
  • Press & itw
    Le Débat
  • Recherche et innovation : le "vrai Grand Bond en avant", with Guilhem Fabre,
    Revue Problèmes économiques, numéro spécial Chine, le grand tournant, no 3066, 15 avril 2013
  • Some short articles on China's R&D and the interaction of Europe with China, Articles en Français
  • La Chine, futur empire de l'innovation ? Journal du Net, Marion Zipfel, 09/04/2013