Usage of ./bgtool.native: ./bgtool.native [options] [commands] Apply some operations on a graph. Available options : -verbose verbose mode (default is false) Available commands : read-edges [fname] : read pairs of ints [u1 v1 u2 v2 ...] from file [fname] ([-] for stdin, [.gz] extension for gzipped file) as the edges of a graph. read-edges-index [fname] : read pairs of strings [u1 v1 u2 v2 ...] from file [fname] ([-] for stdin, [.gz] extension for gzipped file) as the edges of a graph. read-src-dst-wgt [fname] : read triples of ints [u1 v1 w1 u2 v2 w2 ...] from file [fname] ([-] for stdin, [.gz] extension for gzipped file) as the weighted edges of a graph. write-edges [fname] : write the graph obtained so far with format compatible to 'read-edges' command in classical [.csv] format with two columns. (See 'read_edges' about meaning of [-] and [.gz] in [fname].) write-src-dst-wgt [fname] : write the graph obtained so far with format compatible to 'read-src-dst-wgt' command in classical [.csv] format with three columns. (See 'read_edges' about meaning of [-] and [.gz] in [fname].) read-adj [fname] : read a graph [g] with adjacencies given by a sequence of integers [n m u1 d1 v11 v12 .. v1d1 u2 d2 v21 v22 ...] from file [fname] where [n] (resp. [m]) is the number of nodes (resp. edges), [u1, u2, ...] are the nodes of [g], [d1, d2, ...] are their respective degress, [u1->v11 u1->v12 ... u2->v21 u2->v22 ...] are the edges of [g]. (See 'read-edges' about meaning of [-] and [.gz] in [fname].) Specify '-n [n] -m [m]' to indicate the size of the graph. read-adj-test [fname] : read a graph [g] with adjacencies given by a sequence of integers [n m u1 d1 v11 v12 .. v1d1 u2 d2 v21 v22 ...] from file [fname] where [n] (resp. [m]) is the number of nodes (resp. edges), [u1, u2, ...] are the nodes of [g], [d1, d2, ...] are their respective degress, [u1->v11 u1->v12 ... u2->v21 u2->v22 ...] are the edges of [g]. (See 'read-edges' about meaning of [-] and [.gz] in [fname].) Specify '-n [n] -m [m]' to indicate the size of the graph. write-adj [fname] : write the graph obtained so far with format compatible to 'read-adj'. (See 'read-edges' about meaning of [-] and [.gz] in [fname].) read-adj-bin [fname] : read a graph given by adjacencies similarly as 'read-adj' from a binary file [fname] (each integer is coded in 8 little-endian bytes). adj-txt-to-bin [fsrc] [fdst] : read from [fsrc] a graph given by adjacencies as with 'read_adj' and write a binary version of it in [fdst] (each integer is coded in 8 little-endian bytes). [fdst] must be a regular file name. rnd-d-regular [n] [d] : generate a random [d] regular graph with [n] nodes. rnd-gnm [n] [d] : generate a random graph with [n] nodes and [m] edges. reverse : reverse edges of the current graph. sort : sort edges of the current graph and store reverse graph. largest-scc : reduce graph to largest strongly connected component. diameter : compute diameter of the largest strongly connected component of the current graph. unweighted-diameter : compute diameter of the largest strongly connected component of the current graph. weighted-diameter : compute diameter of the largest strongly connected component of the current weighted graph. diameter-scc [node] : compute diameter of strongly connected component of [node]. test-time : test Sys.time. -help : Display this usage mesage with list of commands.