DMASC, ANR-08-SYSC-006 project (01/01/2009--31/12/2011)
Scaling invariance of Cardiac Signals,
Dynamical Systems and Multifractal analysis
Julien BARRAL (coordinator,
Denis CHEMLA (Bicêtre Hospital and Université Paris 11)
RESO INRIA project)
Claire MEDIGUE (
Stéphane SEURET (
LAMA Université Paris 12)
Michel SORINE (
Numerical studies using ideas from statistical physics, large
deviations theory and functions analysis have exhibited striking
scaling invariance properties for human long-term R-R interval signals.
These signals are extracted from electrocardiograms and represent the
time intervals between two consecutive heartbeats. The scaling
invariance measured on these empirical data are reminiscent of
geometric fractal properties verified theoretically by certain
mathematical objects (measures or functions), which are called
(self-similar) multifractals. These numerical studies also reveal that
the scaling invariance may have different forms, according to the fact
that the patients have a good health or suffer from certain cardiac
diseases. These observations suggest that a good understanding of
multifractal properties of cardiac signals might lead to new pertinent
tools for diagnosis and surveillance. However, until now, neither
satisfactory physiological origin has been associated with these
properties nor mathematical objects have been proposed as good models
for these signals. It is fundamental for possible medical applications
in the future to go beyond the previously mentioned works and achieve a
deepened study of the scaling invariance structure of cardiacsignals.
This requires new robust algorithms for the multifractal signals
processing; specifically, it seems relevant to complete the usual
statistical approach with a geometric study of the scaling invariance.
In addition, it is necessary to apply these tools to a number of data
arising from distinct pathologies, in order to start a classification
of the different features of the observed scaling invariance, and to
relate them to physiological concepts. This should contribute to
develop an accurate new flexible multifractal mathematical model whose
parameters could be adjusted according to the observed pathology. It is
also important to strengthen the information by performing the
multifractal analysis of another fundamental signal in cardiology,
namely the blood pressure, as well as the simultaneous multifractal
analysis/modeling of the couple (R-R,Blood Pressure). This project aims
at achieving such a program. It also proposes to contribute to explain
the origin of the scaling invariance properties by developing a reduced
order dynamical system, which shall describe the heart's
electromechanical activity and simultaneously shall generate
multifractal outputs in accordance with the R-R signals models. A 1-D
model of cardiac fiber would be already very satisfactory. This aspect
of the project is closely related to the delicate issue of
understanding the link between multifractal phenomena and PDEs, another
topic that will be investigated. The project team consists in six
members representing two partners: two specialists of multifractal
analysis, one specialist of cardio-vascular system modeling and PDEs
control, one specialist of statistical signal processing and two
physiologists (among which one cardiologist) specialists of
cardio-vascular signals processing. The project will benefit of a wide
data's bank of long term (24h) R-R interval signals already recorded in
various clinical settings including diabetes, acromegaly and sleep
apnea, and a prospective data bank will be established in the field of
medical intensive care unit, namely in patients presenting
cardiovascular pathologies like heart failure, arterial hypertension
and chock states. The data bank will include both R-R interval signals
and arterial blood pressure signals.