Workshop on hybrid and multiscale modelling in cell and cell population biology
Paris, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, UPMC, 16-17-18 March 2015
Jean Clairambault and Vitaly Volpert, organisers
(December 2015) Extended abstracts of most presentations to the workshop are publicly available on a website provided by ITM web of Conferences
How to come to the workshop site: salle de séminaire, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, site Jussieu, Paris
Announcement of the workshop
List of confirmed participants to the workshop
Tentative workshop schedule
Abstracts of speakers
Please address your requests about accommodation and travel to Nathalie Bonte:, +33 1 39 63 56 21
and your abstracts to Jean Clairambault:, +33 1 44 27 91 70
Last update: October 2015