English version
Polyhedral Newton-min algorithms for complementarity problems,
avec Jean-Pierre Dussault, Mathieu Frappier.
Mathematical Programming (à paraître).
Polyhedral Newton-min algorithms for complementarity problems - The full report,
avec Jean-Pierre Dussault, Mathieu Frappier.
Rapport déposé sur HAL le 15 mai 2023.
A lower bound on the iterative complexity of the Harker and Pang globalization technique of the Newton-min algorithm for solving the linear complementarity problem [doi],
avec Jean-Pierre Dussault, Mathieu Frappier.
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 7:4 (2019) 359-380.
An algorithmic characterization of P-matricity II: adjustments, refinements, and validation [doi],
avec Ibtihel Ben Gharbia.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 40:2 (2019) 800-813.
An algorithmic characterization of P-matricity,
avec Ibtihel Ben Gharbia.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 34 (2013) 904-916.
Nonconvergence of the plain Newton-min algorithm for linear complementarity problems with a P-matrix,
avec Ibtihel Ben Gharbia.
Mathematical Programming, 134 (2012) 349-364.
Nonconvergence of the plain Newton-min algorithm for linear complementarity problems with a P-matrix - The full report,
avec Ibtihel Ben Gharbia.